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Category Archives: Nutrition

2023: Healthy Lifestyle tips for mothers and women

Healthy lifestyle tips for 2023

Undoubtedly, one of the most important aspects of life is taking better care of one’s health. If you want to live a long life, you must do what is best for yourself, which means maintaining good health. You may believe that all of this advice is too much work! It isn’t. This 2023, we have […]

The Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Pregnancy

Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Pregnancy

Doctors recommend the daily intake of essential omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy. These polyunsaturated fatty acids are crucial for the cognitive and visual development of the fetus. Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids that help within the development and maintenance of the vital body parts. These aren’t synthesized by the physical body and must […]

Black Pepper During Pregnancy – Health Benefits and Side Effects

Black Pepper During Pregnancy

Many women crave spicy food during pregnancy and it’s normal. But spicy foods aren’t really safe for consumption during pregnancy. The quintessential spice additives green chillies and red chillies aren’t recommended during pregnancy. But black pepper is. They may cause acidity, heartburn, and other digestion problem. Subsequent best alternative pregnant women consider is black pepper. […]

Foods that Cause Gas and Bloating during Pregnancy

Gas and Bloating During Pregnancy

The gas enters the body through your mouth and is released by belching. Your gut also produces gas as a results of digestion. This happens when the bacteria break down the undigested food. Some foods which cause gas and bloating are: Some other factors that causes of bloating in pregnancy: Most symptoms of gas are […]

Nutrients Required During Pregnancy

Nutrients Required During Pregnancy

It’s always important to eat a diet — and it’s even more important when you’re pregnant because what you eat is that the main source of nutrients for your baby. However, many ladies don’t get enough iron, folate, calcium, vitamin D, or protein. So once you are pregnant, it’s important for you to extend the […]

Importance Of Fiber In Children’s Diet

Importance Of Fiber In Children's Diet

Dietary fiber may be a sort of edible carbohydrates that’s not easily digestible by the human gastrointestinal system , although it provides several health benefits. Soluble and insoluble are two sorts of dietary fiber found commonly in plant-based foods. As per the Dietary Guidelines For Americans (2015-2020) report, children are getting lower quantities than required […]

Which Protein Shakes Are Safe for Pregnant Ladies?

Protein Shakes which Are Safe for Pregnant Ladies

It is safe to drink high-quality protein shakes during pregnancy as long as they are consumed in moderation. Some protein shakes can increase your calorie count. In many cases, they can provide up to 300 calories per shake. Therefore you need to look for shakes that have a low or zero-calorie content. However, exercise caution […]

Benefits of Antibodies in Breast Milk

Benefits of Antibodies in Breast Milk

Breast milk helps build the system of a baby by providing fats, proteins, and other essential nutrients and antibodies. These antibodies present in breast milk are beneficial for the mother also as her baby. Here are some benefits of breast milk antibodies for both: For a preterm baby A baby who is born before term, […]

5 Grains That Are Essential For Your Growing Child’s Diet

Grains That Are Essential For Your Childs Diet

Grains are part of the food group that will majorly supply all of that energy your little one needs. We get that the struggle to provide nutrition for kids is way too real, and so we’re here to help. Super grains like quinoa and buckwheat are trending, but let’s be honest, they aren’t very pocket-friendly. […]

Diet Tips to Build Immunity Against Covid 19 During Pregnancy

Food to Build Immunity Against Covid 19 During Pregnancy

The immune system’s efficiency dips during pregnancy, which places pregnant people at a higher risk for contracting many transmissible illnesses. These may be food borne or respiratory. So it is necessary for expecting mothers to have a nutritious diet. Your child also gets nutrients from what you eat. A balanced diet should be your first […]