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5 Morning Rituals for Better Focused Mothering

5 Morning Rituals for Better Focused Mothering

Positive Rituals can help ease the hectic lifestyle experienced by mothers these days. There’s often no rest from the time we get up in the morning till we hit the pillows for bedtime! Building morning rituals that result in a more relaxed day can benefit any family.

In fact, if your children are in their teens or middle school, then you’ll definitely want to check these out! You’ve entrusted Motherland Hospital with a variety of topics about making you happier. We have already discussed natural ways to a healthy life and even revelation dangerous products and habits. Now its time to join us as we take you through different ways you can use as daily rituals to become better focused in motherhood.

1. Meditate

Sessions need not be excessively long! Research shows that even a 15-minutes daily can have positive effects.

Some options to try include meditation apps like Headspace, or even check out YouTube. Here you can find resources such as Elena Brower’s A Meditation For Conscious Parenting.

2. Exercise (One of Essential Rituals for Everyone)

Numerous researches have brought forward the benefits of exercising on your mental health. The good news is that getting the benefits takes less time than you might think it takes. The largest mental health differences occurred with two to four hours of exercise per week as per a recent study.

Weight training, walking or yoga, regular exercise. Pick anything that you like and get moving!

3. Recite a Morning Mantra

Optimistic self-talk has often been credited with helping you achieve the life of your dreams. It is suggested to have 1-3 daily phrases that you can to recite to yourself in the morning and throughout the day. Although, the catch is to phrase them as if you are already the person you wish to become. These are also known as positive affirmations.

For example, if you’ve never been so active about running in your life but you wish to run a marathon, your phrase could be “I am a serious runner who trains daily for my goals”. You can use it instead of saying “I am working hard to finally be a runner.”

The difference is subtle, phrasing it like this would drive subconscious actions throughout the day that support your mission, rather than continue the belief that you still are not there.

Bottom line: having a positive, short statement to repeat to yourself in the morning and throughout the day helps to keep you centered and focused.

4. Read (Or Listen To) a Parenting Book

Micro-Learning or learning in small steps is becoming popular day by day. A short, focused learning nugget (often 3-5 mins long or shorter) that is designed to meet a specific learning outcome can be used to offer formal training. It often finds a wider usage in informal training (with main focus on performance gain).”

Take advantage of this learning hack by choosing a parenting book to read or listen to for 10-15 minutes, and improvise on your parenting knowledge gradually, day by day.

5. Turn Breakfast into a Appetitive Event

Clinical psychology experts suggest using the five senses to beat stress. What used a be just another quick bowl of cereal can be turned into major positivity inducing event through small modifications like –

  • turning on some music
  • taking in the beautiful aroma of your tea
  • grabbing the fancy bowl from the back of the cupboard. (Bonus points for lighting a candle.)
Developing Rituals takes Minimal Effort, brings Huge Results

Most of us keep a really busy routine during morning time so some meditation techniques need to be fit into it very smartly. You may want to combine listening to a parenting book while exercising, start your meditation while in the shower and then recite your mantra while you’re enjoying your amazing breakfast.

Building the perfect rhythm might take sometime but most importantly you need to get started with it! The idea lies behind integrating your ritual so well in your routine that you don’t have to think about doing it eventually. It should just happen in the flow everyday.

In no time, you’d notice your parenting struggles go away, your days getting to feel lighter and your confidence as a mother getting stronger. All from starting your day with positive intentions and rituals. In case required, get in touch with us for any details or book an appointment here.

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