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Is Your Little One a Fussy-Eater? Here is What You Can Do to develop healthy eating habits in them


If you have a toddler that is a fussy eater, then this blog is for you! Recently, researchers found that children who were picky eaters as toddlers have a higher risk of being unhealthy adults. This is because they are more likely to have poor eating habits and lack the nutrition necessary for healthy development. The good news: there are many things that you as parents can do to help developing good eating habits in your little ones. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what you can do about it and why it’s important to deal with those little eating habits now, so they don’t grow up into big problems later on.

Why should you pay attention to your little one being a fussy-eater?

The problem with fussy-eaters is that they are not aware of what to eat, when to eat, and how much. They would rather play than sit down for a meal or, even worse, snack on unhealthy food like chips all day long! This can cause problems in their cognitive development as well as eating too little and gaining weight. Thus, your child’s eating habits will affect their health now and in the future, as they may not be getting the nutrients they need to grow and develop properly. Therefore it is imperative for you to pay attention to their eating habits and ensure your child is getting enough nutrients.

Factors that may lead your little one to be a fussy eater are:

Illness: Children tend to lose appetite when they are sick.

Emotions: If they are experiencing strong emotions, it can lead them to be fussy with their eating habits.

Lifestyle changes: Changes in the environment or lifestyle can also affect your little one’s appetite and cause him/her to lose weight.

Food preferences: If your child is already aware of what he/she prefers to eat, they are more likely to have a fussy eating habit.

Developmental stage: Toddlers and infants are still in the process of developing their eating habits and can be fussier about what they eat.

Tips for handling your little fussy-eater

Here’s how you can help your little fussy-eater:

Be patient and understanding: They are just kids, after all. They have no idea why they feel the way they sometimes do, and to be honest; we don’t either. Our job as parents is to guide them through these difficult times and let them know that everything will turn out fine.

Try mixing flavors: You might like a certain food, but your child doesn’t seem too fond of it at first try; however, by tweaking it slightly (by adding other condiments or spices), you may help make this food more palatable for everyone involved.

Be creative with ingredients: This ties in with the previous suggestion. If you are willing to get a little more hands-on in the kitchen, you can come up with some amazing (and healthy) dishes that your child is sure to love.

Make mealtimes fun: This one is definitely easier said than done, but it’s worth a shot. Sometimes all your kid needs is a change of scenery or something new and exciting to focus on during mealtimes. Try setting the table nicely, playing music, or even having them help prepare their own food – anything to make eating an enjoyable experience.

Get them involved in the process: This is a great way to teach your child about healthy eating habits and nutrition. Let them choose some of their own meals, help you prepare food, or even pack their own lunch for school.

Stick to a routine: This one can be tough, but it’s definitely worth a try. Kids (especially fussy eaters) like structure and knowing what to expect. Having regular mealtimes and snack times will help them feel more comfortable and relaxed during mealtime.

Don’t force them to eat: This goes without saying, but, seriously, don’t do it. Forcing your little ones to eat when they’re not hungry or forcing them to finish their plate will only make things worse in the long run.

Be persistent: If one method doesn’t seem to be working, don’t give up! Just keep trying different things until you find what works for both of you. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your child’s perfect diet be.

– Seek professional help: If you have tried all of the suggestions above and your child still isn’t eating properly, it might be time to seek some outside help. A pediatrician in Noida can offer a wealth of advice for healthy eating and support when it comes to dealing with fussy eaters.


Dealing with a fussy eater can be frustrating and challenging, but it is definitely not impossible. With a bit of patience, understanding, and creativity, you can help your child develop healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime. So don’t give up – the solution is out there waiting for you. If you have any concerns related to your child’s health and development, get in touch with the top pediatrician in Noida at Motherland Hospital.

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